About Us

We are Stuart and Jessie - a couple imperfectly pursuing God's will for our family, which so far has included having and loving 3 children, getting debt free, and now pursuing an international adoption.
Welcome to our blog.

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Progress and a Set-Back.

For the good news, we have reached another goal - raising all our agency fees!

Work-wise, this past Christmas season was not what we expected at all.  My husband hired a great crew of guys in expectation of a heavy work-load.  Though the work never did more then wave a hand in our direction, and despite seeing next to nothing in the first two weeks, we did manage to make some money.

My husband also had the pleasure of dealing with a rock thrown through a rental truck window, a diesel spill requiring a haz-mat team, and an employee who left a gash in the side of a rental before it was returned.  Oy.

But the good news is still good:  we were able to add over $1,800 to our fund.  I can't help but be happy about that!  And at the same time, we got another small donation from our Memorial couple who continue to bless and encourage us in our journey.

However, we're now facing a complicated situation: health insurance.

Since my husband is essentially self-employed, we have to provide our own health insurance.  That's fine - we've been doing it for years.  But apparently when you adopt a child, they want a letter from your health insurance provider saying your child will be covered when the child is placed in your possession.  I called our health insurance company and asked about getting that letter, and they said, "No, you have to apply ahead of time for insurance for the child.  How old is he?"

Uhh.....really?  We don't know and we won't know until we can get proof of potential health coverage.

She's kindly sending me our entire policy (which apparently states on page 8 that our policy allows us to apply for coverage for adopted children, something they've since changed, so this is actually good), though I've asked that the information be put into letter form in hopes that they'll accept that.  Meanwhile I am avidly searching for a way to combat this issue, assuming a measly letter on being allowed to apply for insurance doesn't fly with them.  We can't be the only ones who've faced this, right?

I'll keep you posted on what I find out, but any thoughts are welcome.  =)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Saving Little Roland...

Yes, Stuart and I are still working on our adoption process.
No, we are not adopting Roland.

But a friend of ours is and she needs support!

Stuart and I went to college with Alexis (her cousin and I were comm majors together).  She was valedictorian of our senior class, and if I remember correctly, she dyed her hair pink before graduation and it made some of the higher-ups pretty mad.  =)

She's awesome like that.  So awesome, in fact, that she and her husband have committed to adopt an incredible little boy, Roland.

But they need some serious support - both spiritually and financially.

You see, Roland was born with Arthrogryposis - a condition that deforms his limbs.

Alexis and her husband know this condition well, as their absolutely adorable (and hilarious!) daughter was born with it.  And despite being told by several doctors that their daughter would never walk, these two parents allowed God to work through their dedication to produce a miracle - at the young age of 4 years old, she is a walking machine.  Visit http://www.laeliasky.com/ to see what I mean.

Watching how they've raised their daughter Laelia has me convinced that little Roland needs to get into their arms as quickly as possible.  Every day he stays in an orphanage in another country is another day he goes without necessary therapy.

Well, and another day his mommy goes without holding him.

So if you have a dollar or two to spare, or a minute or two to pray, please jump on over to their blog and do what you can.  Because they're working with the organization Reese's Rainbow, all donations are tax-deductible.

Roland's blog:  http://gettingawesleyinedgewise.blogspot.com/

P.S.  They are currently running a fundraiser (until January 25th).  Instructions are on the blog and there is some neat stuff to be had!

On another note, I am not doing this post to gain any entries.  This post is solely dedicated to bring awareness to an orphan who is separated from his home merely by finances.